Mozzartbet Nigeria organizes a tournament for all the players of casino games. For all the registered players that want to try out the new games by the popular software provider Endorphina, there are huge rewards. Moreover, the tournament is open to all games and bets.
The cash prizes will be credited to the first 5 players as shown below, along with additional cash prize of N2000 for other 10 players.
- 1st place (Win N100,000)
- 2nd place (Win N50,000)
- 3rd place (Win N30,000)
- 4th place (win N15,000)
- 5th place (win N5,000)
The tournament starts at 00:01 on June 13th and closes at 23:59 on June 19th. All the rewards will be credited to the players’ accounts on the 20th of June.
Play the best casino games on the internet and have fun. Try your luck at Mozzart Bet Nigeria and you may win a reward.
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